![]() 12/19/2017 at 17:21 • Filed to: Jalopnik “authors” | ![]() | ![]() |
constantly bitching and moaning about EV’s, especially Tesla and then has the balls to do this “article”. I can’t stand him. I could write trash and get paid for it too! Is Jalopnik hiring again???? Should be easy to just counter-point-ish the whole FP/Internet
![]() 12/19/2017 at 17:34 |
Why don’t you ask him there instead of bitching about it here?
![]() 12/19/2017 at 17:39 |
Doesn’t do much good, I don’t think Alanid should be writing for Jalopnik, but this isn’t a democracy....... of course I spewed out my opinion in a late night, foaming at the mouth rant, so that could be why it wasn’t taken seriously :P
![]() 12/19/2017 at 17:47 |
Because EV’s are horrible soulless transportation pods. They handle like shit and are generally awful.
That’s why.
![]() 12/19/2017 at 17:52 |
oh no I’m calling the waaaambulance
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Bloomberg especially seems to have a hard on for killing the electric car. For that matter all the big financial journals do
![]() 12/19/2017 at 17:56 |
Tell that to Richard
![]() 12/19/2017 at 17:58 |
Unless a company can essentially take a Honda Pilot, remove the gas engine system, install an electric motor system, and have it do all the same shit (300-400 mile range, start around $30K) there is no practical reason to buy an electric car.
![]() 12/19/2017 at 18:32 |
Tesla is the problem, they’ve successfully convinced people to abandon hope of other technologies in favor of theirs. When we realize batteries aren’t the answer the United States will be 10-15 year behind on hydrogen tech....and who knows what else. Elon should have put his money where is mouth is instead of using taxpayers money. We should have removed the electric car tax credit it’s just a hand out to the rich.
![]() 12/19/2017 at 18:33 |
I think eventually evs will be more joyful. I personally prefer electric forklifts too propane ones.
![]() 12/19/2017 at 18:57 |
Because he doesn’t read or respond to comments. Plus I’m in the grays. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one with the opinion of him
Also, I’ll bitch if I want to damnit! It’s just before Christmas and I have family in town annoying the shit out of me so YEAH
![]() 12/19/2017 at 19:00 |
I think something gets lost in translation from car to forklift.
![]() 12/19/2017 at 19:15 |
Expect to see those kinds of articles for at least another year. Change is scary and you get a lot of clicks if you feed into and play to that fear.
![]() 12/19/2017 at 20:07 |
Except the Model 3 isn’t for the “rich”, it’s the Everyman car. And all the big companies take tax credits for there EV’s. Just because some people can’t afford the EV Cadillac doesn’t mean they shouldn’t make it.
There are bigger problems with the stupid tax bill than the EV credit. How about adding to the deficit by $1.something Trillion dollars???
![]() 12/19/2017 at 20:30 |
Family can be the pits.
![]() 12/19/2017 at 20:52 |
We also subsidize the shit out of gas/oil.
![]() 12/20/2017 at 10:52 |
How many not rich people put down a deposit on a car they have to wait for? A few Fan Boys, and then mostly well off people. Mass production of the model 3 hasn’t happened yet.
The tax bill doesn’t add to the deficit overspending does. This is one of the first tax bills in a long time that will help small businesses. I’m sorry it also helps large corporations but our goal to hurt large corporations was killing small business owners. The tax bill is the best thing our government has done in a long time for small business. Now we just need to stop our overspending. The Pentagon is doing it’s first audit every so i call that progress.....think about that they’ve never audited their spending...why should we give them more money.
![]() 12/20/2017 at 10:52 |
We should stop that too.
![]() 12/20/2017 at 12:23 |
It’s a $1000 deposit, not thaaat much money. If someone can’t come up with $1000 then maybe they should not have a car.
This tax bill was rushed, something this big that affects soooo many people should not be rushed just because mr small hands wanted it done. Why not make it work properly and not add to the deficit which it does. This Pass Through BS has never worked over the past 30+ years, why would it work now? Oh because Trump said so... right.
I’m all for a new tax bill if it’s done properly. But doing a bill like this in 30days is bullshit and you know it.
![]() 12/20/2017 at 12:33 |
Yeah, most people aren’t putting out $1000 for a car they have to wait over a year for. And you sound like the problem, there are many people who don’t even spend $1000 on a used car. There have even been posts on here recently asking for advice going from a $200 car to a $650 car. Anyone who put a $1000 deposit on a car they can’t drive has expendable income.....that’s not most our population.
At least Susan Collins was putting in some good effort on the bill. There is so much miss information and bad reporting that it almost has to be rushed these days. The media is just trying to turn everyone against everything without talking about any possible good that could come from it. So I say pass it then adjust later.
![]() 12/20/2017 at 15:21 |
I’d hope most of the population can put $1000 on something or else our country is in worse shape than you and I both think it is. People have no problem putting $1000 on a 65” tv to sit their fat asses in front of but can’t put $1000 for a car that they’ll get in a few months?
How am I the problem? Because I have a job and work for a living, use a budget to have discretionary funds? I’ve got 12yrs in the military and will “retire” at 39! Some people need to get their shit together, that’s it. I’m not saying we shouldn’t help people in need, I’m saying some people need to get their shit together!
Passing a horrible bill is how we continue to be in the shitter. I’ll totally agree that Obamacare was a mistake to pass so quickly but it actually helped a lot of people. Passing this shitty tax plan that we didn’t get to have public comment on or one single Democrat vote is just wrong. Trump just needs a win to keep his dumb base in line.
I’ll agree Susan Collins put in good effort but if she really wanted to do something she, Corker and the others should’ve voted no. I’m tired of all the shit heads in Washinghton, both sides! We should clean the slate and start new.
![]() 12/20/2017 at 15:24 |
You’re the problem because you assume too much about others. The avg American doesn’t have $1000 to sit and wait. that money should be invested.
![]() 12/20/2017 at 16:02 |
That study has data from 2010-2014... right after the recession. If I have disposable income that means I’m out there spending after I’ve put money away for a rainy day. Dude, your arguement is invalid. And just because of this I want to put money down on a Model 3.
![]() 12/20/2017 at 16:49 |
Do it!
I’m just saying that’s not something the average middle-class person can do ..
And the model 3 with any options gets pricey. A model 3 spec out like an equivalent Subaru is close to $10-15k more.....only say that because I need awd to get out of my driveway unless I feel like chaining up every morning in the winter. My point the Model 3 isn’t a car for the masses because it really doesn’t compete price wise.